We are extending the closing date to Friday 20th March. Please encourage any young people who might like to interpret the Easter Week events for us to take part. Read on - and have fun!
What you need to do
Create an A4 or A3 drawing or painting of any aspect of the Easter Story, based around one of the four Acts of the play. You can find out what the four Acts are by visiting What's Happening on the Play website.Download a copy of this form, and fill it in.
Send or deliver your drawing or painting with the form to Lewes Passion Play Art Competition, 5 Glebe Close, Lewes, BN7 1LB.
We need an email address so we can tell you if you have won; this can be your own (with permission) or your parent's or school's. If you are under 18, your parent or teacher needs to sign the form to say that this is OK.
Lewes Passion Play will not keep any personal details once the competition results have been announced and winners have been contacted. We will not share them with anyone else.
The competition will be split into four age categories: School Years 3 and 4; School Years 5 and 6; School Years 7 and 8; and School Years 9 and above. All entries will be judged by local artists David Holden and Robert Birch. There will be a first and second prize in each category.
Winners will be announced and winners and selected work displayed throughout the run of the Passion Play: SUNDAY MARCH 29TH - SUNDAY APRIL 5TH
Here are some ideas.
ACT 1 : Palm Sunday:· Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey
· His teaching to the crowds
· The healing of a Blind Man
· His overturning of the tables in the Temple
ACT 2: Maundy Thursday
· The Last Supper
· The Mount of Olives - Jesus prays to His Father
· Temptation of Judas by the High Priest with 30 pieces of silver
· Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss
· Jesus’ arrest
· Jesus' trial before the High Priest
ACT 3 : Good Friday· Jesus interrogated by Pilate
· Herod demanding a miracle
· Jesus mocked and flogged
· The crucifixion
· Mary weeping
Act 4: Easter Sunday· The earthquake at the guarded tomb
· The Angel at the tomb
· Two Mary's visiting the tomb and seeing the stone rolled away
· Jesus meets Mary in the garden
· Doubting Thomas sees Jesus’ wounds
You might like to look at the page To Think About on the Passion Play website. You can find Bible references by looking at the pages for each Act in the Picture Gallery from the 2010 Play.
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